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Fitur :
- Meningkatkan respon sistem
- Defrag memori di latar belakang
- Reclaim memori untuk program
- Memantau sistem dan mengoptimalkan memori secara otomatis
- Tampilan berapa banyak memori yang digunakan
- Menampilkan jumlah memori saat proses berjalan
- Otomatis dapat mengkompres memori
- Tambahkan proses anda ingin membersihkan atau kompres ke dalam Daftar Hitam.
- Memonitor penggunaan CPU secara real time
- Mengatur prioritas alokasi CPU secara otomatis
- Menganalisa dan mengenali aplikasi yang sering digunakan
Memory Booster Gold is a is a useful utility to monitor and manage system memory by showing the current status of memory usage and can automatically or manually free up memory. so as to improve system performance by removing and compressing memory to reduce burden and improve the performance of applications on your PC
- Improving the system response
- Defrag memory in the background
- Reclaim memory for program
- Monitor system and automatically optimize memory
- Display how much memory
- Displays the amount of memory while the process runs
- Automatic memory can compress
- Add the process you want to clean up or compress into the Black List.
- Monitor CPU usage in real time
- Set the priority of CPU allocation automatically
- Analyze and recognize the frequently used applications