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HiDownload Platinum v.7.971 + keygen

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HiDownload adalah download manager multi-thread yang memungkinkan untuk men-download file individual (atau daftar file) dari web dan situs-situs FTP dengan memaksimalkan potensi koneksi internet. HiDownload juga mendukung streaming multimedia dan dan RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) dengan melanjutkan opsional, memungkinkan untuk men-download film, musik dan menangkap streaming video, audio dan rekaman radio dari internet. Aplikasi ini dapat menganalisis MMS / RTSP URL, serta built-in Broadcast Manager. Selain itu, menyediakan semua fitur standar download manager, termasuk penjadwalan, drop, download history, clipboard monitoring, download kategori, zip dll.

Fitur :
- Accelerated Downloads: Dengan memecah file menjadi beberapa bagian dan men-download pada saat yang sama untuk menghemat waktu
- Mendukung HTTP, FTP, MMS / MMST / MMSU, RTSP, PNM protokol
- Mendukung rapidshare, megaupload dan situs serupa lainnya (Premium Account)
- Rekam Streaming Video dan Audio

Mendukung semua format streaming yang populer seperti:
- Windows Media ™
- ™ Real Audio dan Video Real ™
- QuickTime ™
- Flash Video (FLV)
- MP3 Streaming (Shoutcast ™)

Mencatat semua jenis media online, seperti:
- Music Videos
- YouTube, PutFile, Google Video dan lain Video Sites
- Live Internet TV dan Radio
- Streaming Webcam
- Shoutcast ™ dan radio Streaming MP3 lainnya

- Mendukung Meta-file: ram, smil, asx, lilin, wvx, m3u, pls, ...
- Kategori: Anda dapat dengan mudah memiliki file tipe tertentu-download secara otomatis ke folder yang Anda tentukan
- Live Broadcast Manager
- Build-in Podcast Manager, jadwal untuk men-download podcast

HiDownload Pro dapat terintegrasi dengan browser:
- Internet Explorer
- Mozilla Firefox
- Mozilla
- Netscape
- Opera

English Reviews

HiDownload is a multi-threaded download manager that allows to download individual files (or lists of files) from web and FTP sites while maximizing the potential of the Internet connection. HiDownload also supports multimedia streaming and and RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) with optional resume, allowing for downloading movies, music and capture streaming video, audio and radio recordings from the internet. This application can analyze MMS / RTSP URLs, as well as a built-in Broadcast Manager. In addition, it provides all the standard features of a download manager, including scheduling, drop, download history, clipboard monitoring, download categories, zip etc..

- Accelerated Downloads: By splitting files into several parts and downloading at the same time to save time
- Supports HTTP, FTP, MMS / MMST / MMSU, RTSP, PNM protocols
- Support rapidshare, megaupload and other similar sites (Premium Account)
- Record Streaming Video and Audio

Supports all popular streaming formats such as:
- Windows Media ™
- Real Audio ™ and Real Video ™
- QuickTime ™
- Flash Video (FLV)
- Streaming MP3 (Shoutcast ™)

Record all types of online media, such as:
- Music Videos
- YouTube, PutFile, Google Video and other Video Sites
- Live Internet TV and Radio
- Streaming Webcams
- Shoutcast ™ and other MP3 streaming radio

- Support Meta-files: ram, smil, asx, wax, wvx, m3u, pls, ...
- Category: You can easily have files of certain types downloaded automatically to a folder you specify
- Live Broadcast Manager
- Build-in Podcast Manager, schedule to download podcast

HiDownload Pro can be integrated with the browser:
- Internet Explorer
- Mozilla Firefox
- Mozilla
- Netscape
- Opera

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